Who are Mayze's founders?

To begin, what is Mayze?

Un Dashboard that aggregates all your marketing data in one place, in real time, completed with a magic graph and personalized advices to help you.

Mayze has a clear objective: to help you make the right marketing, and therefore business, decisions.

With Mayze, you can clearly see your marketing impact. 

Fondateurs de Mayze - Matthieu Veillon, Caroline Chenu, Steffi Nicolaïdes - Avec Mayze, prenez les bonnes décisions Marketing

Caroline Chenu

Caro, the CEO

Caroline Chenu:

Entrepreneur and mother of 2, that’s what best represents me.

Mayze is the culmination of 15 years’ experience in large companies, then in startups; in finance, sales and marketing, in New York, London and Paris.

At first, I had a rather classic route: prepa – business school (where I met Matt 👋 ) – finance.

Then, as I traveled and worked in big companies, I realized that I like to touch everything and that I’d like to be able to make decisions more quickly. I’m passionate about everything that makes a company evolve, its growth, its culture…

I’m drawn to startups, to resourcefulness, to efficiency, but also to hard times. And then this conviction that I have to launch my project.

More details:

3 years in Sales teams in market finance at Société Générale, in New York and London
3 years in commodities trading at Total in London and Paris
4 years as Account Manager at Thomson Reuters

Then the famous change, bye bye big groups:

2 years as Sales Director at The Line
3 years as CMO and Head of Partnerships at Cashlab (where I met Steffi 👋 )

15 years of experiences, encounters and challenges that led me to create Mayze.

And to round off these presentations, I’m the mother of 2 little boys and I’ve just moved to Marseille ☀️”

Steffi Nicolaïdes

Steffi, the COO

Steffi Nicolaïdes:

I’ve always wanted to set up my own business.

The taste for business came when I bought my cash register at the age of 10, on Ebay, with my pocket money.

Then came my passion for advertising.

Eventually, I came to understand my passion for “consumer psychology”.

How does our brain receive information?
How can a color change EVERYTHING about the same piece of information? etc.

In a few words, my background:

Scientific Baccalaureate, I like numbers 🤓 and logic
3 years of Bachelor in Management at TBS (Toulouse Business School), I’m from Toulouse! #chocolatine
2 years of a Master’s degree in Digital Marketing at IESEG Paris, in a work-study program at Allianz Trade.
Then 2 and a half years as Growth Marketing at Cashlab startup (where I met Caro!)
And since May 2023, I’ve been running my own freelance digital marketing company, Kalides.

Mayze is the culmination of hard work by the 3 of us to bring out the tool we needed for B2B #proudmama.

Professional deformation: I’m bitten by the lead (prospect) bug.

Subject I could talk about for hours: my 2nd country, Cyprus.
And in reality: my niece.”

Matthieu Veillon

Matt, the CTO

Matthieu Veillon:

I’m the techie of the team.

Dad of 2, I haven’t always been a developer. Before that, I went to an ESC in Toulouse where I met Caro (Toulouse Business School), then I worked for 10 years as a project manager / scrum master before doing a Code Bootcamp in Montreal in 2017.

Personal interests: meditation, playing Dungeons and Dragons, fishing, realizing that I don’t know much.

Fun fact: I’m a Canadian citizen.

Phrase I say too often: “It makes sense.”

“Entrepreneur and mother of 2, that’s what best represents me.

Mayze is the culmination of 15 years’ experience in large companies, then in startups; in finance, sales and marketing, in New York, London and Paris.

At first, I had a rather classic route: prepa – business school (where I met Matt 👋 ) – finance.

Then, as I traveled and worked in big companies, I realized that I like to touch everything and that I’d like to be able to make decisions more quickly. I’m passionate about everything that makes a company evolve, its growth, its culture…

I’m drawn to startups, to resourcefulness, to efficiency, but also to hard times. And then this conviction that I have to launch my project.

More details:

3 years in Sales teams in market finance at Société Générale, in New York and London
3 years in commodities trading at Total in London and Paris
4 years as Account Manager at Thomson Reuters

Then the famous change, bye bye big groups:

2 years as Sales Director at The Line
3 years as CMO and Head of Partnerships at Cashlab (where I met Steffi 👋 )

15 years of experiences, encounters and challenges that led me to create Mayze.

And to round off these presentations, I’m the mother of 2 little boys and I’ve just moved to Marseille ☀️ “

“I’ve always wanted to set up my own business.

The taste for business came when I bought my cash register at the age of 10, on Ebay, with my pocket money.

Then came my passion for advertising.

Eventually, I came to understand my passion for “consumer psychology”.

How does our brain receive information?
How can a color change EVERYTHING about the same piece of information? etc.

In a few words, my background:

Scientific Baccalaureate, I like numbers 🤓 and logic
3 years of Bachelor in Management at TBS (Toulouse Business School), I’m from Toulouse! #chocolatine
2 years of a Master’s degree in Digital Marketing at IESEG Paris, in a work-study program at Allianz Trade.
Then 2 and a half years as Growth Marketing at Cashlab startup (where I met Caro!)
And since May 2023, I’ve been running my own freelance digital marketing company, Kalides.

Mayze is the culmination of hard work by the 3 of us to bring out the tool we needed for B2B #proudmama.

Professional deformation: I’m bitten by the lead (prospect) bug.

Subject I could talk about for hours: my 2nd country, Cyprus.
And in reality: my niece.”

“I’m the techie of the bunch.

Dad of 2, I haven’t always been a developer. Before that, I went to an ESC in Toulouse where I met Caro (Toulouse Business School), then I worked for 10 years as a project manager / scrum master before doing a Code Bootcamp in Montreal in 2017.

Personal interests: meditation, playing Dungeons and Dragons, fishing, realizing that I don’t know much.

Fun fact: I’m a Canadian citizen.

Phrase I say too often: “It makes sense.”

Fondateurs de Mayze - Matthieu Veillon, Caroline Chenu, Steffi Nicolaïdes - Avec Mayze, prenez les bonnes décisions Marketing

Your questions

To create your Mayze account, simply click on : Start for free. You’ll then receive a Welcome e-mail from us with the Onboarding page!

The free beta-test phase is over! By creating your account today, you’ll gain access to the launch offer, with a month free trial.

Mayze has a clear objective: to help you make the right marketing, and therefore business, decisions.

Mayze connects to your data (Linkedin, SEO, Google Analytics, e-mailing…), and gives you access to your :

  • real-time stats and rates
  • Top 3 (pages, keywords, e-mailing, etc.)
  • leads
  • but above all to a magical graph that lets you visualize the impact of your marketing actions!

Mayze connects to several tools, such as:

Do you use other e-mailing or Analytics tools? Please let us know at this e-mail address: steffi@mayze.io

Mayze was created for people like you who want to take their B2B marketing to the next level, but no longer have the time to do their own reporting. And who have never been able to find out their Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI*).

Mayze is aimed at marketers, CEOs, CMOs, freelancers and agencies who want to develop their offer.

*ROMI = Return On Marketing Investment

It’s easy, just head over to our demo page, or if you’re already on the page de démo.

Book a demo, and discover Mayze, your future new best friend.