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To create your Mayze account, simply click on : Start for free. You’ll then receive a Welcome e-mail from us with the Onboarding page!

The beta-test phase is over! By creating your account today, you’ll gain access to the launch offer, with a month free trial.

Mayze has a clear objective: to help you make the right marketing, and therefore business, decisions.

Mayze connects to your data (Linkedin, SEO, Google Analytics, e-mailing…), and gives you access to your :

  • real-time stats and rates
  • Top 3 (pages, keywords, e-mailing, etc.)
  • leads
  • but above all to a magical graph that lets you visualize the impact of your marketing actions!

Mayze connects to several tools, such as:

Do you use other e-mailing or Analytics tools? Please let us know at this e-mail address:

Mayze was created for people like you who want to take their B2B marketing to the next level, but no longer have the time to do their own reporting. And who have never been able to find out their Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI*).

Mayze is aimed at marketers, CEOs, CMOs, freelancers and agencies who want to develop their offer.

*ROMI = Return On Marketing Investment

It’s easy, just head over to our demo page, or if you’re already on the demo page.

Book a demo, and discover Mayze, your future new best friend.