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Marketing dictionary

What’s the real difference between bounce rate and exit rate?

We use the bounce rate so much that we wonder if the exit rate isn’t more interesting to analyze. Read also: The true definition of bounce rate, why it needs to be demystified? Before we know whether exit rate is more interesting to track, let’s review the definitions of each. A bounce: a single-page session without triggering an action. Its rate is related to the number of total sessions. An exit: the last page the user visits before leaving the site. Its rate is the number of times page X is seen as the last per session. Let’s take an example
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What is internal linking? What is it really used for?

Internal linking is the action of creating a network of internal links within your website. It's advisable for several reasons, the first of which is SEO
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The true definition of bounce rate, why it needs to be demystified?

Here is the true definition of bounce rate. “A bounce rate is never good above 70%.” This phrase could make a lot of money. If we had to earn €1 every time we heard it, we’d all be rich already 💸 On a more serious note, this article aims to debunk some myths (🤓) about bounce rate. The most recurrent myths: “A bounce is less than 3 seconds on your home page without taking any action, “A site should never have a bounce rate higher than 70% , “Bounce rate has a direct impact on Google ranking (SEO). The true definition
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