See the impact of your Marketing at a glance

without spending hours on it!

Marketing actions - Power of marketing - Mayze - B2B Marketing SaaS - Marketing attribution tool

Mayze, the SaaS for B2B Marketing

Prove the power of your marketing actions in 1 click on Mayze

Mayze starts by aggregating your marketing data: Site, Linkedin, SEO, E-mailing on your Data Manager via API.

Once connected, you can view all your data in real time on your monthly dashboard.

Finally, on your MagicGraph, you can correlate your data with your historical marketing actions, so you can see their impact at a glance.

Prove the power of your Marketing

Mayze proves that your marketing campaigns generate leads for you

Mayze, the SaaS of B2B Marketing

See at a glance your marketing KPIs and the impact of your marketing actions on your leads

Mayze starts by aggregating your marketing data: Site, Linkedin, SEO, E-mailing on your Data Manager via API.

Once connected, you can view all your data in real time on your monthly dashboard.

Finally, on your MagicGraph, you can correlate your data with your historical marketing actions, so you can see their impact at a glance.

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Actions Marketing - Mayze, votre guide dans le labyrinthe de vos données marketing - Blog - tarifs - Pricing - Marketing analytics tool
Actions Marketing - Mayze, votre guide dans le labyrinthe de vos données marketing - Blog - tarifs - Pricing - Marketing B2B - SaaS - Outil d'analyse marketing

+ more connections to come

Share your marketing impact

An easy way to show your managers what they need to see.
“Are the KPIs in the green? Did marketing bring in leads?”

Coming soon: personalized advice

Based on your data, you will receive daily Mayze Insights on:

Tip of the day - Advice - Mayze - B2B Marketing - Marketing actions -Power of marketing

– available in our launch offer –

Discover Mayze with a personalized demo

Built by marketers for marketers

We’ve been asked 1,000 times what marketing is for, and whether it really has an impact on the business.

Large corporations and start-ups alike had the same reporting problem. Searching for data, gathering it and, above all, making it visual.

There have been many Excel spreadsheets, and many attempts at Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio), but all to no avail, as it’s far too hard to get to grips with (and maintain!).

That’s why we created Mayze.

Fondateurs de Mayze - Matthieu Veillon, Caroline Chenu, Steffi Nicolaïdes - Avec Mayze, prenez les bonnes décisions Marketing

Built by marketers for marketers

We’ve been asked 1,000 times what marketing is for, and whether it really has an impact on the business.

Large corporations and start-ups alike had the same reporting problem. Searching for data, gathering it and, above all, making it visual.

There have been many Excel spreadsheets, and many attempts at Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio), but all to no avail, as it’s far too hard to get to grips with (and maintain!).

That’s why we created Mayze.

Fondateurs de Mayze - Matthieu Veillon, Caroline Chenu, Steffi Nicolaïdes - Avec Mayze, prenez les bonnes décisions Marketing

Discover Mayze by booking your demo

Mayze Blog

The keys to successful marketing in 2024

What is internal linking? What is it really used for?

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Search engine optimization: which SEO tool to use

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Google ranking – SEO: 8 basics to be #1

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How to create a carousel on Linkedin

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23 Linkedin post ideas to reinvent yourself in B2B

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What’s the real difference between bounce rate and exit rate?

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How can you optimize your bounce rate?

Why optimize your bounce rate when you know that it's not counted in the Google algorithm?
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What is internal linking? What is it really used for?

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Google ranking – SEO: 8 basics to be #1

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The true definition of bounce rate, why it needs to be demystified?

Here is the true definition of bounce rate. “A bounce rate is never good above 70%.” This phrase could make a lot of money. If we had to earn €1
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What’s the real difference between bounce rate and exit rate?

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What is internal linking? What is it really used for?

Internal linking is the action of creating a network of internal links within your website. It's advisable for several reasons, the first of which is SEO
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The true definition of bounce rate, why it needs to be demystified?

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Top 4 Marketing Attribution tools: best software and techniques for accurate Performance Tracking

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How to choose a CRM? What are my needs?

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Your questions

To create your Mayze account, simply click on : Start for free. You’ll then receive a Welcome e-mail from us with the Onboarding page!

The beta-test phase is over! By creating your account today, you’ll gain access to the launch offer, with a month free trial.

Mayze has a clear objective: to help you make the right marketing, and therefore business, decisions.

Mayze connects to your data (Linkedin, SEO, Google Analytics, e-mailing…), and gives you access to your :

  • real-time stats and rates
  • Top 3 (pages, keywords, e-mailing, etc.)
  • leads
  • but above all to a magical graph that lets you visualize the impact of your marketing actions!

Mayze connects to several tools, such as:

Do you use other e-mailing or Analytics tools? Please let us know at this e-mail address:

Mayze was created for people like you who want to take their B2B marketing to the next level, but no longer have the time to do their own reporting. And who have never been able to find out their Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI*).

Mayze is aimed at marketers, CEOs, CMOs, freelancers and agencies who want to develop their offer.

*ROMI = Return On Marketing Investment

It’s easy, just head over to our demo page, or if you’re already on the demo page.

Book a demo, and discover Mayze, your future new best friend.