23 Linkedin post ideas to reinvent yourself in B2B | Mayze Skip to content

23 Linkedin post ideas to reinvent yourself in B2B

Steffi Nicolaïdes
Steffi Nicolaïdes
Co-founder & CMO, Mayze

“That’s it I can’t create any more B2B Linkedin posts, I’ve done the trick” We’ll stop you right there! We promise to rekindle your creative flame 🔥

There are several formats, and stagings to showcase your content. But first of all: what do you really want to highlight? And the best way to answer this is to ask yourself: what content would be useful to my customers’ daily lives?

Then you’ll know what kind of content your prospects and customers need!

The example of a B2B Finance company

Let’s take the example of a finance company, which mainly sells its services to financial executives. We know from experience that financial executives are often on the lookout for the latest research on their profession. Particularly when it comes to new technological practices and trends. But that’s not all! They like to keep abreast of financial, stock market and market information. Anything that might ultimately help them make decisions and evolve in their projects.

The Linkedin formats best suited to this content are infographics, newsletters, carousels* (which we’ll look at next) and downloadable white papers/guides.

Lire aussi :

Comment créer un carrousel sur Linkedin ?

23 ideas for Linkedin posts - B2B special

Let’s take the example of a finance company, which mainly sells its services to financial executives. We know from experience that financial executives are often on the lookout for the latest research on their profession. Particularly when it comes to new technological practices and trends. But that’s not all! They like to keep abreast of financial, stock market and market information. Anything that can help them make decisions and evolve in their projects.

The Linkedin formats best suited to this content are infographics, newsletters, carousels* (which we’ll look at next) and downloadable white papers/guides.

Posts Linkedin

A “meme”, for those who don’t know, is a reworking of images with funny text. Most often used are images of characters in a film or series.

Posts Linkedin

Ils annoncent le plus souvent des chiffres d’études, ou bien une nouvelle de l’entreprise en plusieurs slides.

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Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin

Your videos should be 30 seconds or less, otherwise your readers may not watch them.

Posts Linkedin

Between 3 and 10 seconds, almost like a GIF, to hold users’ attention.

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Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin

Beware, in this case, you need to grasp a few rules of writing and take inspiration from companies like Bulldozer or Germinal.

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Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin
Posts Linkedin

If that doesn’t wake up the Van Gogh in you, we don’t know what to do 🎨🖌️!

On a more serious note, you can always evaluate the diversity of your Linkedin publications using Mayze!
